When travel becomes a part of your life, you start to see how much of your personality creeps into your travel choice and decisions. Travellers have travel personalities and many of your preferences and dislikes influence the kind of traveller you become.

What type of traveller are you? Check to see if you fall into one or more types below.

1. The over calculators

This type of travellers bring every factor they can think of into their decision making. They be like “I just paid my rent o, does it mean that if I go on this two weeks vacay, two weeks of rent will just waste like that?” Or they be like “If I go on this trip now, I just may catch a cold since it’s flu season there” Oh, please! stop the calculations and pack that bag!

The over calculators

2. The YOLO gang

These ones live by the ‘if I perish I perish’ mantra. They’re the ones that don’t care about spending the last kobo in their account for a trip. This type don’t take things too seriously. They can afford to soak garri till the next paycheck as long as they have a good time on that trip. I mean, you only live once, don’t you? YOLO

The YOLO gang

3. The indecisive ones

These ones have a hard time making up their minds on the destination to visit. After contacting Travelbeta holiday department with a destination in mind and the holiday enquiry concluded, you’ll see them circle back and change destination choice because another seems to have caught their eyes. They mostly sound like this: “sorry I saw another nice destination on your website maybe we should work on that and please ehn, I saw three more destinations on your Instagram page, add that one too” .

We definitely love them and we never get tired of attending to their travel requests, that’s why they trust us with their travel!

The indecisive ones

4. The Spontaneous ones

Sorry to burst your bubble, but this type of travellers possess not only a Nigerian passport. They are passport holders of strong passports that offer them a rich option of countries with no restriction. No one is saying that travellers who possess only Nigerian passports can’t be spontaneous, they can, but they have very limited options on an international travel scale. These ones be like “mehn! I can’t spend the weekend here, let me see what Amalfi Coast has in store for me” and within a twinkle of an eye, they pick their hand luggage and hop on a plane.

Let’s not forget travellers in this category have deep pockets too.

The Spontaneous ones

5. The Pointers/Slashers

This type of travellers will never let the Marriott points they earned go to waste; once they realize it’s about to expire, they book a trip asap! No time. As for the Slashers, they never fail to browse airline specials, always on the look out for holiday package slashes and promotions. These ones love some freebies.

The Slashers

6. The Procastinators

They be like “I’ll be due for promotion and a salary bump next year, so let me just move this trip to next year jare” or they’re like “if I travel now, I’ll miss Dayo’s wedding when I’ve already bought asoebi, let me postpone this trip to another time joor”. That’s how they keep postponing the trip till they go on none.

The Procastinators

7. The dreamers

These ones have several screenshots of holiday destinations saved on their phones. They say dreamily: “one day I’ll visit this Santorini sha, ah ahn see white walls everywhere”. These ones are frequent travellers in their fantasies as they never stop fantasizing.

Please let’s help you plan that Santorini trip in reality, we need actual pictures of you with the white walls as backdrop. Stop fantasizing!

The dreamers

8. The follow follow

A solo trip never appeals to them. Always on the lookout for group trips. They reach out to friends to know their interest and availability first, before they consider going on any trip.

The follow follow

9. The loveydovey

They have lots of hot destinations or holiday packages of romantic getaways bookmarked and sent to their romantic partners. They like to create romantic memories for the gram. They be like “wow this is a nice spot for couples! Let me forward to bae for our anniversary”. They enjoy baecations a little too much.

The loveydovey

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